Contact Us

Got questions or feedback? Please reach out to us through this form and we ill reach out to you soon.

Please also refer to our FAQ's below.


What is the shelf life?

Please refer to the month and day listed on the jar. In general, it's good up to 4 weeks after opening, If you have any questions, please contact us and we will make it right.

FAQ image

Is it organic?

Yes, we use organic cashews, peanuts and sunflower seeds. We are not USDA organic certified.

Do you cook it?

Yes, we pasteurize our product to extend the shelf life. It is not raw. You can cook with our products which is what makes our dips special.

Can you freeze our products?

Yes, our product freezes great. We freeze our products before shipping to help keep cool during transportation.

What are the brown or black pieces in some jars?

Our product is so valuable that we scrape every last bit out of the pot and some of the dark pieces are char.

How long have you been in business?

Our official start is January, 2023!

How to open jar

Hit around the sides of the lid where the seal is with a dull heavy edge. This will loosen lid and should easily come off.